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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Assuming the Role of Leadership

Pray for me, y'all.

It was my profound honor to be installed as the Most Excellent High Priest in my Royal Arch Chapter, and the Thrice Illustrious Master in my Cryptic Council.

For those not familiar with these terms, the Royal Arch Chapter and Cryptic Council are two separate bodies you can join within Masonry after becoming a Master Mason - the MEHP and TIM are, respectively, the "President" of each local body.

I'm very young for a presiding officer. Very, very young. Additionally, I haven't been doing this very long - I've only been a Mason for almost two years, and I've been a York Rite mason for not quite a year and a half. This is truly a trial by fire - not a bad way, I assure you.

I'm grateful to my Companions for electing/installing me. It's kind of terrifying, to be honest, even though this is something I want. I can only hope that this nervousness motivates me to do the best job I can. I know that things will go well, though. Texas Chapter & Council have a huge network of past presiding officers that have been, and will be, great mentors to rely on.

This is going to be a fun year.

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